
Wandering DMs at TotalCon

This weekend (Thursday Feb-21 to Sunday Feb-24), the Wandering DMs -- that is, my friend good Paul and myself -- will be attending the TotalCon event in Marlborough, Massachusetts. This is Paul's "home" convention, whereas I've never been to it myself. Looking forward to it, should be a good time.

Along the way, Paul and I are planning to livestream some "confessionals" in-between events to catch our impressions, takeaways, and lessons while they're still fresh. We'll be trying to make broadcast around our regularly-scheduled 1 PM Sunday time as a wrap-up for the whole convention. So remember to check in a few times this weekend and see what we're up to -- and if you're at TotalCon, please drop by and say hi! You might wind up as one of the first guests on Wandering DMs. (Do we do that? I don't know, we may surprise you.)

While waiting for that, look for the "Dan in Peru" video from last weekend: "How to get a D&D Castle for Half Price". See you soon!


  1. Ohhhh that is a shame. If I knew you would be there, I would have bought a ticket.

    Stop by the MoveRate20 booth and say hi to the fellow who resembles a dwarf. He’s my DM.

    1. Thanks for the post! Sorry I missed this before TotalCon was over. We'll likely be at some other stuff in the future. :-)

  2. Just in case I failed to mention it elsewhere, I thought your hex crawl live cast was pure gold. Are you going to be running your game at TotalCon or simply playing?

    1. Thanks so much for saying that! I was player-only for this TotalCon (my first, so: learning the ropes). I did cooperate with Paul's "Boss Fight for Breakfast" game by running the bad guy vs. the players, which I was pretty delighted by. Quite likely another go and I'd run something.
