In D&D, players may
find themselves running monster-types as a result of several causes:
charm monster, polymorph other, reincarnation, special DM
permission, etc. In this post we give rules for a lightweight method to "zoom
in" on such characters, providing additional detail and possible
advancement, if desired. Note that this assumes the basic OD&D
ruleset, OED extrapolations for ability scores (9-12 average, +1
bonus per 3 points over 10), and smoothed-out attack rolls (check d20
+ HD + AC ≥ 20). To
give more detail to monster characters, do this:
Take the base number
of monster hit dice and call this the “level”.
Establish average
Strength and Constitution scores for each monster race, as given in
the table below (for simplicity, we assume that these are equal for
each racial type).
For hit dice, roll
1d6 per level, and add the Constitution bonus to the first die
For attack bonus,
take 2/3 the monster level, and add the Strength bonus.
For damage by weapon
type, ogre-sized weapons do base 1d8 damage, while giant-sized
weapons do base 1d10 damage; add the Strength modifier as usual.
For individual
creatures, roll 3d6 for Strength and Constitution, and add however
many points the racial average exceeds 10 (for example: a stone
giant adds +12 to both Strength and Constitution rolls). Calculate
new hits, attacks, and damage as per the rules above. Roll the
standard 3d6 for other abilities.

The basic idea is that monster types are, by default, unskilled
brigands. They lose the Constitution bonus to hit points after the
first hit die (as opposed to professional fighters who add it up to
9th level). Their base attack bonus is only 2/3
per level, the same as human thieves, but compensated by their
exceptional Strength. They do not earn any special fighter features
by default (e.g., weapon specialization).
Weapons: The base
damage above (ogre 1d8, giant 1d10) assumes use of a weapon like a
club, spear, or crude sword/axe. A light dagger-type weapon will do
one die less, while a heavy two-handed weapon is one die greater. A
weapon of quality (equal to human weaponsmith skill) is another die
greater. Characters can generally use a weapon one size larger than
themselves, but must use two hands to do so. Exchanges for
equivalence of multiple dice can be made as convenient.
Examples: Giant clubs
and spears are usually one-handed, doing base 1d10 damage, but one
could use a two-handed version for base 1d12 (or 2d6); whereas a
well-made two-handed sword for a fire giant would do 2d8 base damage
(all before Strength modifiers). An ogre's club does base 1d8 damage,
and can be picked up and used by a human two-handed; but humans
cannot use giant-sized weapons. Similarly, an elven dagger can be
wielded by a halfling as a short sword, doing the usual 1d4 damage.
Comparisons: See
below for a table of comparisons between this system and statistics
in the core OD&D books (mostly Vol-2, or Sup-I for the Bugbear
and Storm Giant). This shows averages for hit points, attack bonus,
and damage, as well as the differences between each system ("error").
Attack bonus is identical for about half of the creatures, and within
1 pip for most of the rest. Average damage is usually within 1 point
of OD&D, but adds 2-3 points for some of the giant types. Hit
points are nearly identical up through Troll-types, but add a small
number of points for giant types (approaching the recommendation in Sup-I that hit dice be 8-sided). I think that this system provides a
fairly smooth and flexible interpolation of OD&D, and the
differences are "close enough" that players will likely not
notice them in play (nor mind if they get a small-grained boost while
playing such a creature, on average).

Monsters are assumed to start with an effective XP score the same as
fighters of the indicated level; they can earn additional experience
and gain levels as fighters. Base attack bonus is always 2/3 per
level, and hit dice d6; but they do gain Constitution bonuses for
extra hit dice (up to 9th), and any special fighter
features from advanced levels. In the rare case that one chooses to
multiclass as a thief or wizard, all regular rules apply; the
creature must have a score of 16 or greater in the prime requisite
ability, sacrifice their top level, and then earn XP and levels as
normal (maximum one per adventure). However, all thief skills are at
–4 in 20 for ogre-sized creatures, –8 for giant-sized; and limits
to level advancement may be set by the DM as desired.
Miscellany: One
special case here is the Troll – it is the only humanoid-type in
the rulebooks noted as using "talons and fangs" instead of
artificial weapons; so while the first table above shows a
higher-than-official amount of damage, this would only be the case
when using weapons (which a Troll is unlikely to do). A second
special case is the Storm Giant – above, the Storm Giant is given
extra-huge weaponry, increasing another die larger over other giants;
i.e., base 1d12 (or 2d6) damage for a simple club, and only usable by
lesser giants two-handed.
Finally, compare this system
to others such as Stephen Martin's in Dragon #109, May 1986
(which included seven different categories of weapon sizing for
AD&D); 3E D&D (which added ability bonuses per die for all
monsters, effectively doubling attack bonuses and hit points, and
thus breaking compatibilty with earlier editions); or this author's
own "Supersize Me!" system published in Fight On!
Issue #8, Winter 2010 (which was somewhat more convoluted than the
system shown here).